Ask the Question Poll Archive


Affordable Care Act

Comments from the Public:

August 9, 2014:
I think that the impact of Obamacare is going to be the most talked about issue as 2016 approaches. All your above questions are what we will need

ATD Admin response:
Yes, it turns out ‘All of the above’ applies to all the polls (imo) since I only cover things I think are important. Design caveat? Oh, well…

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Raising Taxes for $250K Earners (Jan. 2013, [intlink id=”280″ type=”post”]read blog[/intlink])

o What % of $250k earners are actually ‘job creators’? (And how much job creation is at risk by higher taxes?)         Result: 17% of vote

o How much revenue will be gained by raising taxes for $250k earners to Clinton era rates?                Result: 8%

o What is the % of extra income spent on consumer goods (ie. put back into the economy) by $250k earners vs. lower income earners? (And what is the multiplier effect for each?)              Result: 8%

o All of the above.          Result: 67%

Other Suggestions from the Public:

August 16, 2013:
How do we change the dynamics – is changing the tax rate the only solution?

ATD Admin response:
I’m not sure I understand your question. ‘Change the dynamics’ of what? Deficit/debt reduction? Admittedly, this ‘Ask The Question’ poll focusses only on the revenue side (raising revs directly through higher tax rates vs. indirectly through new jobs that will also generate tax revenue), and not the spending side (reducing the budget). And the questions for the revenue side were incomplete at that! I should have also asked: What is the projected revenue and multiplier affect from hypothetical jobs that the $250k earners would create if their taxes were not raised?

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